puma incycles . example 06
Within the InCycleTM collection, launched by PUMA in 2013, each product – shoes, clothing or accessories – fits completely into either the biological cycle or the technical cycle. Life cycle products are designed to be biodegradable, which means that they can be transformed into biological nutrients by microorganisms. To achieve this, they are made with organic fibers, free of any toxic product and they meet international standards applied to composting.
Technical cycle products make use of metals, textiles and plastics that can be recycled. In addition to design changes, customers can return their products through PUMA's "Bring Me Back" program.

to remember.
Redesigning a product on the principle that, at the end of its life, it must be able to return either to the biological cycle or to the technical cycle, leads to simpler products which in the end are less expensive. In addition, the manufacturer can also support the end of life of the products by organizing reverse logistics, the Bring Me Back program, in our example.